BMI Calculator
BMI Calculator - Body Mass Index
The BMI calculator is a helpful tool to determine if you are overweight, underweight, or just right. Your weight alone isn't enough to know, as an overweight, tall man may easily weigh more than a short but rotund woman. A body mass index also known as BMI can overcome this problem by finding a proportion between your body weight and your height which gives you one number. This number can be classified into a category on the scale of BMI ranges, which can be described as underweight normal, overweight and overweight.
In order to calculate how much body weight you weigh by yourself and find out what your number means for you, you'll need to be aware of:
- How to calculate BMI.
- What's normal BMI.
- What are the different BMI ranges are.
How do I calculate BMI
Before we get started, let's look at the equation:
- Dividing your weight (in kilograms) by your height (in meters).
- Divide the result by your height once more to determine your BMI.
So the formula for the body mass index is as it is:
BMI = weight/height2
Normal BMI
Our BMI calculator is an easy task for you to figure out your exact BMI. Remember that BMI is a rough estimation. The result could be incorrect for those who are strong (such as body builders) or who have experienced significant loss of muscle (such those who are elderly).
If you're unsure of whether or not your body is inside your "normal" range of muscle mass, it is recommended to use one of our specialized calculators. The body fat calculator will determine your percentage of body fat. In addition, our body mass calculator for lean can tell you how much your weight would be without fat.
BMI ranges
There are five main intervals in the BMI scale:
- The term "underweight" means less than 18.5
- Normal weight equals 18.5 - 24.9
- Overweight = 25 - 29.9
- Obesity = 30 - 35
- Severe obesity = 35 years old or more
"BMI Prime" BMI Prime is a nifty enhancement to our BMI calculator. It's a decimal number , where 1.0 is the upper end of that "normal BMI" range. It's an extremely simple method to see if you're overweight or not. If the BMI Prime is more than 1, you've got some weight to lose.
Making use of our Body Mass Index calculator
In the upper right-hand corner of our BMI calculator are fields for you to enter your measurements and your weight. Plug in these values and you'll get your BMI, it's BMI Premier (see above) as well as a brief message telling you what zone you're in.
If you're overweight and wish to know exactly the amount you'll need shed to be in that healthyrange it is possible that you could do the same. Put your height and weight in the boxes where they are, and type "0.9" into the BMI Prime box. You weight as well as BMI will adjust themselves.
Tip: If the height of your box is adjustable when you change other boxes, you'll need to secure it. Go to the right side of the box, and then click the lock icon. This will secure the figure while you play around with the figures in other boxes. This is... unless you're planning to grow larger!
Other factors
If you're interested in knowing whether your metabolism is working for you in the pursuit of an healthy weight, check out using our calculator for basal metabolic rates (or its variant of Harris-Benedict's equation). We frequently hear about factors that can affect our metabolism (which is it that skipping breakfast does again?) but we don't hear much about tracking those changes. That's exactly what this calculator is for.
The basal metabolic rate of your body is the activity level of your body's metabolism at the time you wake up in the morning. The most stable time for assessing your metabolism, as you haven't had enough time to begin heating you up!
Once you have figured out how you can calculate BMI, the next obvious number to consider is the ideal weight. Utilize the ideal calculator for weight to work it out quickly.
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